Target recently engaged couples with Facebook ads

Reach brides and grooms at the perfect time

Local ads on Google & Facebook is a largely untapped market in the wedding industry.

Almost every well-executed advertising campaign will pay for itself (and then some) within the first month.

Think about it: Just book 2-3 weddings and you could have an additional $10,000+ in revenue.

And the best part — getting these two or three clients only cost you $500 in ads. That is a TINY amount compared to the $10,000+ you made in revenue.

Your investment pays for itself and then some.

But, have you heard Facebook Ads don’t work, or tried them yourself and failed? Here’s why…

Successful PPC & Facebook Ads

Every thing must work together

Paid advertising is an entirely different ballgame than traditional word-of-mouth referrals. Without a proper sales funnel or website your Facebook Ads will fail.

That’s why we start from the ground-up — making sure your website and online presence is optimized to support a paid advertising campaign.

Find recently engaged couples

With Facebook and Google you can take advantage of powerful targeting parameters to reach prospects at the perfect time.

Get your brand in front of recently engaged brides & grooms on Facebook, Instagram, Google, and more.

Re-targeting ads that convert traffic

Couples don’t hire wedding contractors at the drop of a dime — it can take a few days to a few weeks for them to make a decision.

With re-targeting, you can show ads to brides and grooms who visited your website but didn’t contact you. Not familiar with re-targeting, or haven’t tried it yet? We’d love to show you how it works.

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